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Using Nutrigenomics in Clinical Practice

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The science of epigenetics (the study of how our genes and environment interact) and nutrigenomics (how diet influences gene expression) is poised to radically change medicine.

In our clinic, Dr. Davis has partnered with Neurobiologix, a developer of nutritional supplements, to perform genetic testing and pair your individual DNA makeup with targeted dietary and nutraceutical recommendations.  

The Science Behind Nutrigenomics

Nearly all diseases start with inflammation at the cellular level. With aging and inflammation, our genes are not able to perform the processes that keep us vital and healthy. 

Understanding our genes allows us to know what diseases our body is at high risk of developing. By influencing our genetic expression with lifestyle modifications and nutraceutical support (supplements), we can encourage our DNA to perform at the most optimal level. 

This infographic from Harvard University nicely explains what we are trying to achieve with nutrigenomics. Even though it references children, the same concepts apply to adults.  

Take Control of Your Health

Schedule your genetic testing and consultation with Dr. Davis to learn more about how individualized medicine can help you look and feel your best.

Written by Dr. Katie Davis

Dr. Katie Davis (she/her) was raised in Columbia, SC. She graduated with Honors from the Illinois College of Optometry in Chicago in 2014. In 2017, she became a board-certified Fellow in the College of Vision Development. She serves on local and state optometric boards, as well as chair of the SC ACT 251 Learning Disorders Task Force and on the Brain Injury of SC Safetynet Task Force.  Additionally, she has lectured across the state on topics relating to vision and concussion.

In our practice, she focuses on optometric vision therapy for all ages, specialized contact lenses, and myopia management.

Additional awards & recognitions include:

  • The Gas Permeable Lens Institute Award for Clinical Excellence, 2014
  • The Good-Lite Pediatric Equipment Award, 2014
  • Optometric Horizon Award by the South Carolina Optometric Physicians Association (SCOPA), 2016
  • Young Optometrist of South Carolina, 2020
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