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Using Nutrigenomics in Clinical Practice

The science of epigenetics (the study of how our genes and environment interact) and nutrigenomics (how diet influences gene expression) is poised to radically change medicine. In our clinic, Dr. Davis has partnered with Neurobiologix, a developer of nutritional supplements, to perform genetic testing and pair your individual DNA makeup with targeted dietary and nutraceutical […]

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Specialty Lenses!

At Vision Therapy Institute we offer more than spectacle lenses, and soft contact lenses for optical correction. We also treat medical conditions, such as Ocular Surface Disease, Keratoconus, and Myopia that require the use of Specialty Lenses for optimal optical/corneal treatment and correction.  Here are some of the lenses we provide: OrthoK Lenses:  Specially designed gas […]

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Is Vision Therapy Covered by Insurance?

A woman in a sweater undergoing vision therapy that is being conducted by an optometrist.

Vision Therapy is a specialized form of visual rehabilitation treatment used to treat vision disorders and conditions.  Traditional vision and eye care insurance plans typically do not cover the cost of vision therapy treatments. Fortunately, some major medical insurers may provide partial coverage for these types of services if you submit a claim for reimbursement.  […]

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What Diseases Can Be Detected in an Eye Exam?

An optometrist checks his patient's eyes in a clinic

No one wants to consider the possibility of developing an eye disease. But unfortunately, it can happen to anyone. However, getting comprehensive eye examinations as recommended by your optometrist and the American Optometric Association (AOA) provides the most hope of early diagnosis and avoiding long-term complications or vision loss from various eye diseases and conditions.  […]

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How to Fix Dry Eyes with Contacts: Scleral Lenses for Dry Eye

A man sitting on a couch and closing his eyes as he pinches the bridge of his nose, as if in pain.

Contact lenses are becoming more popular as people look for an alternative to traditional eyewear, with about 45 million Americans wearing contact lenses today. While many people find them comfortable and convenient, those with dry eyes might wonder if they can wear contacts despite the burning, grittiness, and redness. The answer is yes! Specialty contact […]

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