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Neurolens at The Vision Therapy Institute

Neurolens is a company that specializes in the improvement of visual tracking and eye misalignment. They have developed a patented lens with a contoured prism that allows for correction at distance, intermediate, and near vision all in one lens. Neurolens has created equipment for optometrists to test a patient’s eye alignment, which then gives the […]

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VTI is about more than just 20/20 vision!

Optometry: “The practice or profession of examining the eyes for visual defects and prescribing corrective lenses.” Directly from Bing Functional Vision: “Functional vision is how your entire visual system works together to help you interact with your environment. It involves 4 visual skills necessary for learning: Tracking, Focusing, Eye Teaming, and Visual Processing. Other visual skills that are […]

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Using Nutrigenomics in Clinical Practice

The science of epigenetics (the study of how our genes and environment interact) and nutrigenomics (how diet influences gene expression) is poised to radically change medicine. In our clinic, Dr. Davis has partnered with Neurobiologix, a developer of nutritional supplements, to perform genetic testing and pair your individual DNA makeup with targeted dietary and nutraceutical […]

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Specialty Lenses!

At Vision Therapy Institute we offer more than spectacle lenses, and soft contact lenses for optical correction. We also treat medical conditions, such as Ocular Surface Disease, Keratoconus, and Myopia that require the use of Specialty Lenses for optimal optical/corneal treatment and correction.  Here are some of the lenses we provide: OrthoK Lenses:  Specially designed gas […]

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