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Category: Vision Therapy

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VTI is about more than just 20/20 vision!

Optometry: “The practice or profession of examining the eyes for visual defects and prescribing corrective lenses.” Directly from Bing Functional Vision: “Functional vision is how your entire visual system works together to help you interact with your environment. It involves 4 visual skills necessary for learning: Tracking, Focusing, Eye Teaming, and Visual Processing. Other visual skills that are […]

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Is Vision Therapy Covered by Insurance?

A woman in a sweater undergoing vision therapy that is being conducted by an optometrist.

Vision Therapy is a specialized form of visual rehabilitation treatment used to treat vision disorders and conditions.  Traditional vision and eye care insurance plans typically do not cover the cost of vision therapy treatments. Fortunately, some major medical insurers may provide partial coverage for these types of services if you submit a claim for reimbursement.  […]

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Does Vision Therapy Work?

A young child is undergoing vision therapy. She is holding out a stick and trying to insert it into a small hole.

Your vision affects much more than just how well you can see. Many eye problems can affect how your eyes work together as a team. If your eye doctor notices problems with your vision, they may recommend vision therapy to help you see more comfortably. However, some people wonder whether or not vision therapy works.  […]

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