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Category: Eye Conditions & Diseases

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Convergence insufficiency (CI) and migraines

Convergence insufficiency (CI) and migraines are distinct medical conditions, but they can have an interrelated relationship, particularly when evaluating patients with overlapping symptoms of headaches and visual strain. Understanding this relationship can help a neurologist make more informed diagnostic and management decisions. What is Convergence Insufficiency (CI)? Convergence insufficiency is a binocular vision disorder where […]

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Specialty Lenses!

At Vision Therapy Institute we offer more than spectacle lenses, and soft contact lenses for optical correction. We also treat medical conditions, such as Ocular Surface Disease, Keratoconus, and Myopia that require the use of Specialty Lenses for optimal optical/corneal treatment and correction.  Here are some of the lenses we provide: OrthoK Lenses:  Specially designed gas […]

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What Diseases Can Be Detected in an Eye Exam?

An optometrist checks his patient's eyes in a clinic

No one wants to consider the possibility of developing an eye disease. But unfortunately, it can happen to anyone. However, getting comprehensive eye examinations as recommended by your optometrist and the American Optometric Association (AOA) provides the most hope of early diagnosis and avoiding long-term complications or vision loss from various eye diseases and conditions.  […]

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OptiLight Treatment and Dry Eye: What You Need to Know

An elderly man is using eye drops to treat his dry eyes. Optilight is another effective intense pulsed light therapy for relieving dry eye symptoms.

Dry eye disease is a widespread and common issue for up to 49 million Americans. This chronic condition can have a significant impact on your quality of life, causing a foreign body sensation in your eyes, pain, blurry vision, and dry or watery eyes. Untreated, it can even lead to further eye health complications.  Despite […]

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