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Words To Remember: Our VTI Core Values

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At VTI we are very passionate about holding ourselves to a higher standard, not only when it comes to our patients, but within our team as well. When walking into any office, you want to be greeted with a smile, a warm welcome, and for it to seem like everybody likes to be there. Of course, there are some days that are harder than others, but that does not give us an excuse to stray from what we know is right. We work hard to motivate and maintain positive relationships among our staff by discussing our key words and core values in our weekly team meetings. We encourage our team members to socialize together outside of work as well, like going to the gym, celebrating a successful term for our student doctors, or even team bonding at escape rooms. 

 During these outings, as well as in the office, it is important to us to be inclusive of all team members and patients. Inclusivity and respect are important values of ours, as we also have a diversity group within our staff to ensure we are taking account of all our team member’s and patients needs to feel accepted and seen. While we love to have fun together, it does play an important role in the service we provide. When you love what you do and who you do it with, it becomes easier to want to learn from one another and grow in our field, which then translates to top tier patient care. 

Our core values are not solely for our staff, it also extends to our patient’s. Providing our patients with premium service, engagement, and respect is how we establish a rapport that allows for an effortless interaction as well as a lifelong patients and even friends! Many stray away from doctors due to their unsatisfactory experiences with patient care or poor communication skills, along with many other complaints. Our leaders and team members acknowledge that a well-built foundation within our team correlates directly to quality patient care. Come establish you and your family’s foundation with us! 

Written by Ryan Scott

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