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VTI is about more than just 20/20 vision!

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“The practice or profession of examining the eyes for visual defects and prescribing corrective lenses.”

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Functional Vision:

Functional vision is how your entire visual system works together to help you interact with your environmentIt involves 4 visual skills necessary for learning: Tracking, Focusing, Eye Teaming, and Visual ProcessingOther visual skills that are part of functional vision include,

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Neuro Optometry:

“According to the American Optometric Association, Neuro-optometric services include; Comprehensive evaluations of sensory motor, visual field, accommodative, and oculomotor function, Visual processing evaluations, Ocular health examinations, Special testing.”

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Our office at Vision Therapy Institute specializes in functional vision and neuro optometry. Our goal is to think outside of the box and provide patients with the visual tools they need to succeed in life. What we do surpasses just trying to achieve 20/20 vision. 

Some of the services we offer at Vision Therapy Institute are; Comprehensive eye exams, Vision Therapy Evaluations, Dry Eye Evaluations, Myopia Management Services, and so much more! 

We provide lasting treatment and the knowledge you can take out into your community to spread awareness. 

Our Mission Statement:

“VISION THERAPY INSTITUTE is a unique, specialized optometric practice with dedicated and highly trained team members. Our greatest asset is our team. Through our team, we provide state of the art neuro-optometric care to our community.”

Written by Raigne Kirton

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